The Brazilian Guitarfish: A Weird and Wonderful Creature of the Deep

The Brazilian Guitarfish: A Weird and Wonderful Creature of the Deep


The Brazilian guitarfish, also known as the Zapteryx brevirostris, is a unique and fascinating fish found in the coastal waters of Brazil. This creature is a member of the ray family and gets its name from its guitar-like body shape. While it may not be the most well-known fish in the sea, the Brazilian guitarfish is certainly one of the weirdest.


One of the most notable features of the Brazilian guitarfish is its flattened, guitar-shaped body. This unusual shape allows it to glide effortlessly through the water, making it an adept hunter and predator. In addition, the Brazilian guitarfish has a short snout and sharp teeth, which it uses to catch and eat its prey.

But the weirdness of the Brazilian guitarfish doesn’t stop there. One of the most distinctive aspects of this creature is its skin. Unlike most fish, the Brazilian guitarfish has a tough and leathery skin, which protects it from predators and gives it a unique texture. In fact, the skin of the Brazilian guitarfish is so tough that it is often used to make leather goods, such as wallets and belts.

Another strange characteristic of the Brazilian guitarfish is its reproductive habits. Unlike most fish, which lay eggs, the Brazilian guitarfish gives birth to live young. But what makes this even weirder is that the female guitarfish can carry up to seven embryos at once, each with its own placenta. That’s right, the Brazilian guitarfish is essentially a walking, swimming maternity ward.

Despite its odd appearance and behavior, the Brazilian guitarfish plays an important role in the ecosystem. As a predator, it helps to keep the population of smaller fish in check, and its tough skin makes it a difficult target for larger predators. In addition, the Brazilian guitarfish is a popular target for fishermen, who prize it for its tasty flesh and unique skin.


The Brazilian guitarfish may not be the most well-known or glamorous creature of the sea, but it is certainly one of the weirdest. From its guitar-shaped body to its tough skin and unique reproductive habits, this fish is a true marvel of nature. So the next time you’re at the beach in Brazil, keep an eye out for this fascinating and unusual creature – and maybe even try a guitarfish leather wallet while you’re there.

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