It’s no secret that the biggest hurdle to carrying out conservation actions is funding. Grant applications take time and effort and are never guaranteed, while securing donations can be inconsistent.
Having studied and carried out wildlife conservation for several years, our founders know first-hand that this issue is compounded by the public’s bias towards the more iconic animals, like lions, tigers and elephants.

We are currently selling limited edition WAWA prints as part of our keep the wild weird campaign, manufactured with 100% ethically sourced materials and with 100% of the profits going to support conservation efforts.
But be quick, there are only 40 sets of these prints and when they are gone, they are gone.
The aim of WAWA Conservation is to work in contrast to this bias towards iconic animals, in order to better protect biodiversity as a whole. We focus our efforts on protecting species that are particularly unique. This could be due to their behaviour, genetics, biology, or their roles in the ecosystem. Essentially, we want to help the weird and wonderful animals rather than just the bright and bold ones.
Our current fundraising activities will raise funds for some of the most amazing and endangered species on the planet. Each are unique and incredible and need your help to save them from extinction.
Our mission is to preserve biodiversity across the globe for future generations to enjoy by supporting the effective, science-based conservation of unique and important wildlife species.