Saving weird and wonderful animals from extinction

The most amazing and unique species are often the most endangered

Weird and Wonderful Animal Conservation is helping to protect some of the most evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered wildlife on Earth. We work to support conservationists working in-situ and hands on with weird and wonderful animals of all shapes and sizes.

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Meet some of the incredible species and projects WAWA Conservation has supported in their fight against extinction

The Long-beaked Echidna: a rather peculiar mammal

On top of being adorable, these animals are quite unique in many aspects. All four species of echidna, along with their close relatives, the platypus, are known as monotremes, and they are the only mammals to lay eggs rather than give birth to live young.

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The Long-beaked Echidna: a rather peculiar mammal

On top of being adorable, these animals are quite unique in many aspects. All four species of echidna, along with their close relatives, the platypus, are known as monotremes, and they are the only mammals to lay eggs rather than give birth to live young.

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The Sunda Pangolin – Defender of the Realm

It is vital that modern trafficking is halted as soon as possible to ensure the Sunda pangolin’s continued existence as a species. With enough immediate action we may be able to prevent our tiny knights from going extinct, like so many animals before them.

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The Sunda Pangolin – Defender of the Realm

It is vital that modern trafficking is halted as soon as possible to ensure the Sunda pangolin’s continued existence as a species. With enough immediate action we may be able to prevent our tiny knights from going extinct, like so many animals before them.

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